Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's okay

I have two babies under the age of two and its hard, but that's okay.

It's okay that I often don't get enough sleep and feel exhausted.

It's okay that I don't have much time for myself. 

It's okay that our place is often a mess.
Clothes strung throughout rooms, crumbs on the floor, dishes pilled up, so much left unclean.

It's okay that Maeva wants to be held more often that not.

It's okay that she enjoys sleeping on me and being rocked. 

It's okay that she cries and is fussy. 

It's okay that I spend most of my time changing diapers and nursing. 

It's okay that Braden makes messes just after I've picked up.

It's okay that he doesn't sleep in his bed, but on the floor.

It's okay that he constantly wants to eat.

It's okay that he throws himself on the floor when we tell him no.

It's okay that he's put his legos in the toilet. 

It's okay that parenting is hard.

It's okay that I don't quite know what I'm doing yet... with two.

It's okay that we haven't figured it all out yet.

It's okay that we feel like we are losing our minds sometimes.

It's okay that we aren't perfect parents. 

It's really all okay, life, this parenting thing. 

Because we don't have to have it all figured out, we are never going to perfect.
Because God is there, if we go to Him, and ask for His help.

It's okay because they are only little for a little while. 


  1. Is it okay that this post totally made me cry! So raw & so real and girl... I'd say you're doing a GREAT job :) Hugs!

  2. :) Thanks for reminding me that It's okay. Can't wait to have kids!

  3. Yay! With that attitude, it WILL be ok! :)

  4. Omg, your babes are so cute!! Also, it is going to be okay. And in a few weeks it will be a little easier, and in a few months it will get even more easier and before you know it you've got a groove and it fells so matural for your home to be loud and crazy but easier :)

  5. i don't know how you do it! 1 baby is hard enough! you are like super mom!!

    Sandy a la Mode


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