Headband and necklace: Gift. Tee and shoes: Target. Nursing top: Babies R Us. Shorts: Old Navy.
Some days I don't think about my body.
I don't worry about it and the thought, "I'm fat" doesn't cross my mind.
Yet, most days it does.
Most of the time I look at my body and want my pre-baby body back.
Its hard and frustrating.
But I'm trying to hold onto what is true.
Yes, theres extra weight.
Yes, I have stretch marks.
BUT that extra weight and those stretch marks
are from the fact that I carried a baby.
Theres beauty in those things!
I may not see it and others may think I am fat, but you know who sees it?
God sees it.
He, more than anyone sees beauty in my body because I carried a child of His.
I'm holding onto that and the fact that it was all worth it.
That baby sleeping in the other room is full of beauty.
Right on. If we could just be a little less self-conscious, we could focus on much more important things. I'm right there with ya!