Pearl necklace: Unsure. Other necklace: Jewelry party. Shirt: Wet Seal. Shorts: Old Navy. Shoes: Express.
I believe that everyone does something a bit odd or enjoys something thats a bit weird.
Me, for example... in college I always found myself going to the cnn crime page.
Is that odd? Only wondering about crimes in the world? Not looking at any other news?
I blame it on the fact that I was a social work major.
I don't go there often anymore just because it kind of freaks me out now, since becoming a mother.
However, I am watching the Casey Anthony trial on HLN.
Depressing. Crazy. Gets to me.
I just don't understand how someone can hurt a child.
Do you do anything odd or enjoy anything strange?
The type of thing where people ask you, "what is wrong with you?"
Welp, this is my thing.
Here's my oddity: If I touch the shower walls while showering, I have to start over. I have no other OCD tendencies or anything, but I have shower issues.:)