Headband: Amaze boutique. Necklace: Great grandma's. Dress: Charming Charlie. Skirt: Thrifted.
You see those boxes I'm sitting on (by the way for the millionth time I've started to type booze, but I promise there is no booze in this house) I'm supposed to be putting things in them to move next Friday.
I doubt we will actually move by then, but hey, it could happen? I just need to get motivated.
So far we've taken a huge box of books and movies to Half Price books and I have two huge, overflowing boxes of other random things to take to Goodwill. We're also selling a few things.
I like getting rid of things. It makes life simple...not having so much "stuff".
By the way, I know you cannot see my shoes, but they are the yellow ones from target.
Now, excuse me while I go change into packing worth clothes.
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