Monday, September 22, 2014

Mug Swap Sign Ups

Hello! Hello! 

I'm excited to be hosting my first mug swap. 
I'm a bit anxious about it and hope it goes smoothly! 
Many of you who follow me on Instagram expressed interest, 
but also had questions about how it all works. 
This post will explain all that! 

How it works

Signs up start today and I am willing to have 100 people sign up and be paired together.
People will be paired together randomly. 
I will keep sign ups open until next Tuesday or until I reach 100 people, 
which I am sure will not go until next Tuesday! 
I will email both partners and then it is your job to get to know one another 
and send packages to each other. 
I will also let you know (probably on Instagram, so maybe follow me there
when the swap is closed.
After it is closed there will be two weeks to get everything together and send it out! 

The Rules

Like I said it is your job to connect with your partner and get to know them.
If you have a blog/Instagram/ect and are willing to share thatid it is your job to connect 
with your partner and get to know them.
If you have a blog/Instagram/ect and are willing to share that with them, 
that may help them get to know you better. 
Really though, just chat and get to know one another.
Ask questions about their lives. What do they like? What do they dislike?
This will help in sending them a package that fits them! 
Maybe they don't like coffee, but prefer tea or hot cocoa! 
I think it's really important to do this because it helps you to pick out something they would love! 

One major rule is to only sign up if you can participate. 
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send your partner a package.
There is nothing more disappointing to not get one in return.
I am in no way responsible for the mug swap after partners have been paired together.
It is YOUR JOB to send the package. It's out of my hands.
It would make me really sad to hear that someone didn't receive their package. 

Lastly, I decided to put a limit money wise on the package.
Please don't spend more than $20 on putting your package together.
Include a mug and whatever else you think your partner would enjoy.

Have fun and make some friends! When you get your package use the hashtag #freshedbrewedmugswap so we can see all the fun! 

If you want to sign up email me at   lovetherews at 
Please include what email is best to reach you at! 

I'm pretty excited! Happy Monday! 

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