
Friday, July 11, 2014

July Goals

I can't believe it's already July. 
Where does time go? 
Let's look back at last month's goals before moving onto this month's goals. 

June Goals

1. Not buy anything for myself. Well, kinda? 
My husband did buy me a dress + shoes for my sister's wedding. 
The fact that that's all I got last month is pretty impressive to me.

2. Read Whole30. And by that I actually meant read It Starts with Food
I didn't read every single chapter because you don't have to, 
but I read what I needed plus more. It's a very interesting read.
I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to eat healthier
or is curious about whole30.

3. Take a family photo. This post proves it happened
They aren't the best, but hey, it's a memory. 
We had plans for a family photo shoot last week, but it didn't work out. 
I'm hoping within the next few months we can get some family pictures taken. 

4. Keep up with meal planning and get back on track with exercise. 
Didn't happen. I ate okay and worked out a few times, 
just not as much as I would have liked. 

Well, last month wasn't awful. I'm proud I accomplished most of my goals. 
Now, onto this month...

July Goals

1. Participate in the whole30. 
My husband and I actually started this on June 29th, so we will go until July 30. 
It's going really well and I'm glad we decided to do the challenge. 
It's been good for us in so many ways. 
You can read more here about my first week.

2. Finish reading Fresh Brewed Life, that my friend gifted me. 
I'm really enjoying it and it's gotten me back into journaling. 
I'm pretty happy about that. 

3. Come up with a list of at least 30 blogging ideas. 
I think that's pretty do-able. 

4. Work on a schedule for the kids. 
We're seriously considering homeschooling. At least I think. 
I'm still praying/thinking about it. I like the idea, I'm just nervous.
Hoping that writing out a schedule for it all and seeing it play-out would help.
So, if you have any suggestions on blogs/books/things I should read, please let me know! 

What are your goals for this month? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh a schedule... I need to do that. But my son is 20 months and he still takes naps- sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon. As much as I want to make a schedule I keep thinking that maybe it will stress me out more than help. Need to get this "flexibility" thing under my belt first- lol! Great goals!
