
Monday, July 14, 2014

Currently in motherhood

My kids in general. This is a pretty big deal because usually motherhood just feels hard.
Lately though, my attitudes been so different and I've been enjoying each of my kids.
I've been enjoying....
Braden's silliness.
The way Maeva says "Mama." and "I need you."
Sutton's smiles, chunkiness and overall cuteness.
Playing with them has been more enjoyable as well.

I've never been a big fan of fits, fussing, or fighting,
but that's been pretty minimal lately, so really no complaints here!

Whatever the books the kids bring me.
Braden actually sits on my lap to read, which hasn't happened in a while.
Maeva likes to look at book with babies or things she knows, so she can point them out.

Still so many trains, but also babies, babies, babies.
Maeva has recently started to really love babies.
She enjoying covering them up and telling them to go to sleep.
No idea where she gets that from! ;)
We're also playing with blocks and musical instruments.
The kids love to turn up the music, run around with their instruments of choice and sing!
Can't forget the play food as well.
The toddlers have recently started playing with their toy kitchen + food.
Braden likes to make me things and tell me to eat them.
It's pretty funny!
I'm trying to be more hands on with them,
so we've done peanut butter play dough and cloud dough as well.
Both Braden and Maeva really have enjoyed those things and play for a while!

Way too much Care Bears.
Frozen. Thomas the Train. And Starwars (which Braden calls StarHores LOL).

Peanut butter and jelly, peanut butter and jelly, and more peanut butter and jelly.
Braden and Maeva recently started enjoying apples, which makes me happy!
I don't care if they eat PB&J all day long,
but something that's a bit healthier on the side is nice.
They will eat carrots sometimes too and strawberries.
We've been not buying as many sweets since we're doing the whole30,
but they get cookies sometimes or chocolate.
Soon we may introduce Sutton to baby food.
Or we may wait a while longer. I don't really want to rush things with her!

Listening to:
Lots of loudness!
Maeva always saying she needs me.
Braden always talking about his trains, the iPad, or needing something to eat/drink.
Oh, and Sutton being a little fussy, especially when she doesn't want to be put down.
That about sums it up!

Dreaming of:
Maeva turning two. I just can't believe it's happening so soon!
Homeschooling Braden. I'm a bit more confident about it, but still a little nervous.
Having three mobile children.
I know Sutton will get there soon and that's when the real craziness will start! ;)

^^^A few fun out-takes from yesterday! Crazy kids!^^^

What are your currents in motherhood? Or in life? 

1 comment:

  1. So cute. I did a similar post today too. Your kids are adorable! Can't believe Maeva will be 2 already?! What the heck!?
