
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June goals

It's a new month, so that means new goals. 
Lets see how I did with last month's goals! 

May goals:

1. Continue with the 1800minute challenge
I completed this challenge and am so happy I did!
I honestly didn't believe I would complete it, but it's been a life changer for me. 
It's made me want to exercise more and eat healthier and I am doing so! 

2. Meal plan every week. Surprisingly this happened! 
Again another one I didn't expect to happen because it takes a lot of work!
Now, if only I could figure out a way to get our grocery budget cut in half! 
Any tips? 

3. Read one book. Fail. That's all.

4. Start a prayer journal. Fail again. 
I've prayed for people, but I know it can be much better!

5. Plan activities for the kids.
 I'm saying it was a win even though it wasn't completely.
This post explains why. I've done a lot with the kids in the mornings.
We've grabbed breakfast and went to the park.
We've had play dates. 
I say this is a win!

So, what are this months goals? 
Just a few that I hope I can accomplish! 

June goals

1. Not buy anything for myself. 
Obviously things like food/bathroom items don't count. 
I feel like I've been spending too much money lately.
It could be used for other things or put in savings. 
No clothes, books, ect. 
I CAN do this!

2. Read Whole 30. 
I started it. I just need to finish it. 
Hopefully then next month I can actually start Whole 30. 

3. Take a family photo.
I just want a good one of my growing family.
I would love to get some professional photos done, but that just can't happen right now.
Surely, we can get a good one ourselves!

4. Keep up with meal planning and get back on track with exercising. 
My elliptical broke a few weeks ago, but my husband fixed it. 
I'm feeling out of shape since then, 
so need to work back up to working out for 30-60 minutes.
I know this is do-able! 

Four goals seems good for this month!
Do you have any goals this month? Tell me a few! 

1 comment:

  1. I love your photo :) Funny about that grocery one - I recently did a grocery-shopping series on my blog. Come have a look :)

    Found you on Hayley's link-up!
