
Monday, June 2, 2014

A Day Out with Thomas

If you read my blog or follow me on instagram
then you pretty much know my son loves trains!
Actually, that feels like a huge understatement! 
Braden is absolutely obsessed with his track master Thomas & friends trains. 
He's always talking about them and loves to tell anyone and everyone about them.
He enjoys watching them on youtube
and it's pretty much the only toy he plays with every single day.
At times I even have to go into his room at night 
and tell him to stop playing, it's time for bed! 
He just can't get enough of them!
So we knew when we heard about a "Day out with Thomas," we just had to go! 
Maeva loves trains as well. I'm pretty sure it's because she wants to be like her brother!
I'm sure Sutton will follow suit. Braden already tells me she wants to play with his trains. ;)

There seemed to be a lot to do at this event, 
but it seemed to be a bit overwhelming for the kids. 
There were so many people and activities going on, 
so we just rode the train and snapped some photos.

I'm certain Maeva had no clue what was going on. 
She just did a whole lot of people watching. 
I think Braden was a bit more excited than these pictures seem to show.
He kept on saying that we were going backwards. 
James and I were surprised he realized that. 
He also kept on saying that the red train was James 
(one of Thomas' friends, not his dad, incase you don't know ;)

And that's how Sutton felt about the whole train ride. 
She seemed to be a bit overwhelmed by it all, but mostly the train horn just scared her.
Every time she heard the horn she got so upset and cried. 
I tried to nurse and comfort her, but the horn just scared her too much for that!
Being tired and hot also wasn't helpful, I'm sure!
It was only a twenty five minute ride, 
but we were ready to get off simply because she was so upset!

That red train is the one he kept on calling James. 
Made me laugh because it isn't James, just a red train. 
He was very excited about it though! 
As crazy as he can be with his love for trains, I love to see him so into something!
He can name so many of the track masters. 
He has over twenty of them and plays with them constantly. 
It's just fun to see your child be so into something!

I would say we had fun! Even if the kids' faces don't say so! 
Maeva is cracking us up with her faces lately! =)

Do your kids love trains?
Or what are they into?

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