
Monday, October 21, 2013

31 days {take a break}

....Without children, without responsibility.
I'm a big believer in needing time and space away from my kids. 
It keeps me sane and I know that it helps me enjoy my kids more when I am with them! 
I'm not always good at asking for time away. 
That seems to be a struggle for me because it means I have to ask for help. 
I hate asking for help because for some reason,
that word screams, "FAILURE!" in my mind.
But I know I need to let go and ask for help more often, especially in motherhood. 

This past weekend I was nearing the end of my rope. 
The kids seem to be extra fussy and cranky with me. Not so much with their dad
That's hard to handle some times and I was going a bit crazy. 
My husband dropped me off in front of Charming Charlies and told me to take my time. 
Time without kids and shopping!?! I was a happy mom! 

I need my space. I need time to just be myself without having to worry about little ones. 
I need this more often than I admit it and more often than it happens. 
Some times its leaving the house without them. 
Other times its going outside for 5 minutes or reading a book. 
Everyday it means nap time. 
Other times it means I give them to their grandparents for a while. 
I think time away is good for everyone. 
Mom gets a break to refuel and the kids have some time away from mom too. 
I am sure they need it just as well! ;)

What do you do to refuel?
Are you good at taking a break? 
Or is it a struggle? 

You can see all my 31 day posts ----> here.

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