
Sunday, October 20, 2013

31 days (seeing them with their dad)

Whenever they hear their dad coming from home from work they both get so excited.
They stand at the top of the stairs shrieking and jumping excitedly. 
This is one of the many ways I know they love their dad so much. 
It makes my heart feel like it could burst knowing they are so happy to see him. 
He greets them with a smile, hello, and hug. 
I know he's just as happy to be home and see them too.

Braden is a lot like his dad. 
He's a determined little boy, who I hope grows up to have his dad's determination. 
Because honestly, I don't know anyone filled with more determination than my husband. 
He loves to watch airplanes with his dad and just be with him. 

Maeva loves to get kisses from her dada. Its pretty much the most adorable thing ever.
She'll tilt her head towards him and you just know she wants a kiss. 
She does it over and over again, some times saying, "kiss!" 
She also loves to just sit on his lap and be in his arms. 

Both of my kids just seem to be more calm around their dad. 
I'm not sure why, but its nice.
I wish that transferred over to their time with me. ;) 
I couldn't be more happier with how much they love each other. 
I cannot wait until we welcome baby number 3 into our family. 
I'm looking forward to seeing her with her daddy and her siblings. 
I know those moments are moments I'll want to remember forever. 

You can catch up with all my 31 days posts ---> here.

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