
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Life Lately

It's been a while since I sat down to blog. 
Honestly, sometimes I'm just not that inspired to do so. 
I wish I was, but it just come that easily to me. 
Also, my word for 2015 is intentional and with that blogging
kind of got thrown on the back burner! 
I'll aim to be here more because I do love this space and documenting life! 

So, if I haven't been blogging, what have I been doing?

I've been working on my word of the year is some areas. 
I'm not perfect at it and it's definitely harder than I wish it was. 
I think that's a good thing and am so glad I have a whole year to figure it out! 

I've gotten a bit better at spending time with God, but it's still a struggle.
I really enjoy using She Reads Truth as a resource for reading the Bible.
I'm currently using the app to help me read through the Bible in a year. 
I'm determined to do this because I've always wanted to 
and I know it will be good for my heart and soul! 
Do you use She Reads Truth? 
Or what resources are your favorite when it comes to your relationship with God?
I'm also going to Bible study again where we are doing the study on the book Restless. 
I know I'm going to really enjoy that! 

I've also been working on my clean schedule. 
I had one that I had put together myself, 
but it left me feeling like I was cleaning far too much!
I've been following clean mama on Instagram and decided to give her schedule a try!
This week I started and I already know it's making a big difference. 
I definitely suggest giving it a try if you struggle with having a schedule. 
She also has some really great blog posts to read on the subject. 

The weather hasn't been too bad here so we've enjoyed some time outside. 
There was a day this past weekend that was 60 degrees 
and I wanted to stay outside forever! 
It's so nice to have days like that in the midst of really cold days!
It hasn't been horrible this week and I need to make sure we get outside some more this week. 

I've still been watching too much Netflix, 
but I enjoy it, so I'm not going to be too hard on myself!
I've also been reading a lot, 
which is nice because I never thought I'd have time to read again!
The serial podcast is something I also got addicted to 
and am currently having withdrawals from. 
Have you listened? 

That's about all I've been up to. What have you been up to? 

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