
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Monthly Goals: March

For the past few months I've seen lots of bloggers post monthly goals. 
I've been really drawn to these posts because I think it's a really great idea. 
I tend to feel like I do the same thing every day. 
I clean the house and take care of the kiddos. 
Now, I'm not saying those aren't important things. 
I actually enjoy keeping the house from becoming a complete disaster and I adore my kids. 
However, life can feel kind of boring, when that's all I'm doing. 
It honestly doesn't leave me feel like I'm living, but just getting through the days. 
I don't enjoy that feeling! 
I believe having some monthly goals will help me to feel different. 
At least that's what I'm hoping for! 

I've been meaning to post monthly goals for a few months. 
With having been pregnant, having a newborn, and taking care of two crazy toddlers,
it just hasn't happened, but this week I made it a goal! 
Here are my goals for March:

For myself:
Journal more. Once a week, at least. 
Spent time in the Word. I am using the lent reflective journal from nap time diaries. 
Give up shopping for Lent.
Read a few books - a chapter a week of Hands Free Mama and finish reading Reshaping it all. 

For the house:
Declutter, declutter, declutter! I'm participating in the #40bagsin40days challenge. 
Get back on track with the cleaning schedule I made months ago! 

For the family:
Go to church. We haven't been in forever. 
Have Bible time with my kiddos every single day! 
Go on a few dates with my husband. 

This seems like a good list to me for the first month. 
I'm hoping I can be successful, but I'm going to give myself grace as well. 
It's not about being perfect. It's about trying. 
At least for me.

Do you have monthly goals? What are they?
Leave a link if you share them on your blog - would love to read! 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I need to start journaling more myself. These are great goals.
