
Monday, April 13, 2015

What Spring Has Brought

It's been almost a month since I last blogged.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm never going to be one of those bloggers
who blogs every single day (maybe not even every single week)
and right now I'm okay with that.
It's funny because I really struggled with this space
feeling more important than other things.
I tried to make it a priority, something that was like a job to me,
but recently that desire has somewhat fallen away (for now anyway).
I haven't wanted to blog and I've actually thought about quitting all together.
This space, I don't want it to be a distraction from things that are truly important.
I don't want this space to be something that gets in the way of
my faith, my family, my life and at times it feels like it does.
So, I'm here now, writing because I feel like it and that's what I'll do.
I'll blog when the desire stirs, but won't be aiming to make it the most important thing
because life off the computer has been a lot more fulfilling lately.

We've been spending a lot of time outside since spring has arrived.
The grass is green, the trees have bloomed beautiful flowers
and the weather is just amazing (storms some too, which are my favorite).
We've been going to the park after Bible study on Tuesdays
and I think it's our favorite day.
Braden and Maeva have been enjoying some time in the backyard by themselves
and it's lovely to have a space where they can run and be free without worry.
There's also a park nearby that we walk to every now and then,
which I love because it's fun for them and taking a walk is always nice.
Really, it's just nice to have these places to get out of the house because
the days go much quicker and the moods from everyone are much happier!
We've also been skate boarding in the driveway because the kids love to be
just like their daddy and it's fun to fly down the driveway having, "SO MUCH FUN!"

I'm really enjoying life with my little family lately.
Spring and just being outside lifts our moods and our life.
I'm welcoming it and the fact that it is allowing me to slow down a bit.
To care less about being online, cleaning the house, or getting stuff done.
With spring a new love and gratitude for my family has come!
Spring has blessed me!