
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September Goals

Even though I don't know how quickly last month went, 
I am glad September is here because I am so tired of the heat! 
I'm more than ready for fall. It is after all my favorite season! 

Let's look at last months goals before I share this month.

August goals

1. Work on a schedule for blogging.
I've gotten better at blogging when the kids are napping, so this is a win to me.
I haven't been perfect at it, but its better than I was doing! 

2. Spend less time on the internet. 
I'm not sure how this went. 
Some days I wasn't online so much, other times I was.
This is a big problem for me!

3. Read one book.
I finished The Nesting Place. 
I absolutely love that book! 
It's about much more than decorating your home!
I think it's a lot about life. I recommend it for sure.
I also started a devotional. 

4. Think about a garage sale.
I guess I thought about it, but it isn't going to happen.

Now onto...

September goals

1. Do another round of the whole30.
I knew that I would always want to do another round. 
I haven't been eating that great lately because of ice cream and coffee! ;)
I started this round on September 1st. It's going well so far.

2. Read another book.
I'm thinking Made to Crave because that goes along with whole30.

3. Figure out my quiet time.
When it comes to having time with God, I've been awful at it.
I just need to make sure I do it daily even if that means getting up before everyone else.
I really need and want to figure this out! 

Three goals seems like a good idea for this month!
Do you have monthly goals? Share one or a few! 

1 comment:

  1. Aw I blog when the kids are napping, too. Or at night after they are in bed. It's just not possible when they are awake, lol. :) Yay for whole30, good luck with it, you can do it! :)
