
Monday, September 29, 2014


Way too much tv. There are far too many good fall shows on! 
Gotham, Modern Family, Law and Order SVU, Parenthood, Scandal, Revenge. 
Yes, I've watched all those and still need to check out How To Get Away with Murder.
Oh, and Daniel Tiger, of course! ;)

Lots of bananas, sweet potatoes, chicken, plantains. 
Oh, and my husband and I went on a date to P.F. Changs. 
Probably won't do that again as it made up both not feel so great.
Also, had some Starbucks, which I also regretted.

Thinking about
 Boundaries and how mine feel like a mess. How I need to get up early in the morning to spend time in the Word because it affects my mood. Church. So much on my mind!

Listening to
 Klove. So encouraging to me lately. 
And crazy kids, always crazy kids.

 In my journal and journaling Bible. 
Hoping to write more here this week!

Excited about
The Bible study I'm involved in. 
Braden turning 4. Can't believe it!

 Boundaries and Gone Girl. 

The promise of cooler weather coming and sticking around. 
Going on walks with the kids. Family time where we are just enjoying time together.

The kids to chill out and patience when they don't. To have the Word fill me up daily.
Coffee, always coffee. Time to my self, to feel refreshed. 
To not feel like I'm failing and losing my mind every single day.

What are your currents?

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