
Friday, August 29, 2014

5 Ways I'm Not Failing As A Mom

It's easy to be hard on ourselves as mom's.
We're not perfect and we know it,
but I think we spend too much time coming up with lists of how we're failing
rather than how we are doing pretty dang well as a mom.
Today I want to focus on that because I need it and maybe another mom does as well.

5 Ways I'm Not Failing as a Mom (and you probably aren't either)

1. My kids' bellies are full.
The toddlers may ask for peanut butter and jelly for almost every meal, but I have it!
I try to add some fruit and "trees" to their plate for some balance.
Really though, I may not be a gourmet cook or change it up that often,
but they don't go hungry!
My kids have their basic needs met (food, water, clothes, a rough over their head) daily,
plus so much more! They have a lot of their wants mixed in as well.

2. I love them and they know it.
I hug and kiss all my babies multiple times a day.
Usually first thing in the morning and as I put them down to sleep.
Throughout the day I kiss and hug them as well, along with the words, "I love you."
I can't help but kiss Sutton every single time I'm holding her because gosh she's cute!
I also make sure to ask them for hugs and kisses too.

3. We spend time together.
Maybe it's not always by playing on the floor.
Maybe it's watching TV or a movie together,
maybe it's having them help me clean, runnings errands,
going to the park or on a playdate,
but we're together and they are involved.

4. They love one another.
I was always afraid my kids would struggle with having younger siblings,
but really, they don't.
They adjust well, but more than that, they fall in love with each other.
Seeing Braden and Maeva hug and kiss each other before they go to sleep
makes my mama heart soar.
They always want to say goodnight to Sutton too, with hugs and kisses.
As far as I'm concerned if my kids are being kind and love one another
then I must be doing something right!

5. At the end of the day they still want me.
Now, this may not be something I'm physically or emotionally doing,
but at the beginning of the day, when I get them from their rooms, they want me.
At the end of the night when I tuck them in, they want me.
Throughout the day they cry for me, come to sit on my lap, hug and kiss me.
That says it all, in my opinion. If my kids still want their mama,
then I'm doing pretty dang good as their mama.

What's on your list?
You're doing good as a mama.
You may not be perfect, but you're meant to be their mama.
I promise.


  1. I absolutely love this post. I know as a mom that I am always thinking about what I could do better or worrying about the things I don't do... but to just stop and acknowledge that there are plenty of things that I'm succeeding at with my kids... I just love that. :) Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  2. So true! LOVE this post, and it was exactly what I needed to read today!
