
Thursday, May 1, 2014

May goals

A new month, means new goals.
I can't believe how quickly April went, but I'm welcoming May! 
Let's take a look back at my goals from last month

April Goals

1. Blog every single day
I'm crossing this one off even though I didn't blog every single day. 
Really, there was only a handful of days I didn't blog.
Usually it was on the weekends when I was spending time with family. 
So, I'm counting this as a success because I definitely blogged way more than normal! 
Hoping I can keep up with it! 

2. Workout for 1800 minute challenge
I'm proud to say this was a success! 
I haven't completed the challenge because it's actually for two months, not just one! 
I actually didn't think I would do as well, but it's definitely changed things. 
Working out has actually become something I love to do! This is very exciting to me!

3. Keep up with the #40bagsin40days challenge.
Fail. I was doing so well, but then got behind and never caught up.
HOWEVER, this doesn't mean I can't keep on doing it.
There's still so many boxes in storage I need to go through! 

4. Use my camera more and teach myself something. 
Yes, but no. I used it a bit more, but not nearly as much as I would like.
Using my phone is just so much easier and quicker, 
but I do love my camera pictures a lot more.
I need to work on this and making time to teach myself a thing or two. 
This can be so hard because I have babies to take care of, 
plus I do other things when I have free time!
Will work on it! 

I did okay this last month. 
I'm proud of myself for keeping up with blogging more and working out.
Those were two big goals and it's nice to know I can actually complete a goal! 
Now, onto this months goals...

May Goals

1. Continue with 1800 minute challenge. 
I didn't realize that this challenge was for April AND May.
Glad to know I have this month to reach the 1800 minute goal.
So far I've logged 1,135 minutes, which means I only have 665 minutes to go.
I have no doubt that I can complete this goal, especially when I start feeling better! 
I plan on trying Jillian Michael's 30 day shred again. #Lordhelpme
I tried it before, but it is ROUGH. 
I'm hoping that since I've been working out a lot,
that will help me do better this time around.

2. Meal plan every week.
I hate meal planning. I hate grocery shopping. 
But I really want to eat healthier and get our grocery budget under control. 
Hoping that meal planning will help with this! 

3. Read one book.
Surely I can do this. I just have to shut off the computer/tv, right? 
Oh, and not watch hours of Gossip Girl! ;)

5. Start a prayer journal. 
I love to journal, but I'm just not that great at it. 
Especially since having kids, but I want to get better.
I also want to get better at praying, 
so I will be starting a journal where I write down prayers that need to be prayed.
So how can I pray for you?

4. Plan some activities for the toddlers.
I am so thankful for pinterest. It has been a lifesaver! 
I need to take some time to sort through my pins 
and come up with some things the toddlers can do on their own or I can do with them. 
I know that this will be good for me and them!

Do you have goals for this month?
Share a few! 

The Tiny Twig


  1. I would definitely recommend trying out Zoomin Market, it's much easier to stay on budget (for me at least) when I can order groceries online and I don't have to guess what I'll be spending: )

  2. Using a prayer journal was a goal last month for me. It's still really important. I have really enjoyed using Val Marie Paper's prayer journal. It helps split things into categories to pray for. Praying for my friends is a goal I have again this month. Good luck on your goals!

  3. hey kassie! i found your blog off hayley's link up! i'm going to start exercising in may - stopped after having a baby, but it's been two months and i'm out of excuses. :)

  4. I love the idea of your workout challenge such a great motivator.. logging minutes verses days. genius. i too failed at the 40 bags but your right we can start back up where we left off. and oh the dreaded meal planning. i am hoping to keep a book of tried and loved recipes to help speed up the process.

  5. I love your goals for this month! I am doing an 8 week challenge currently, I love following your progress on instagram! Keep it up:)

  6. Oh meal planning! We have a love/hate relationship, for sure!

  7. Good work, friend! How exciting to see goals being met. I love all your goals too - it's inspiring to me. Especially the working out thing - I have gotten SO off track with that :(

    I'd love to ask for prayer with my new role in the women's ministry here. Please be praying I will hear God clearly in the direction he wants to go, and that I would learn how to make a new routine for myself now that this role has added quite a bit of work. Thanks! How can I pray for you? Miss ya!
