
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Three things that help me keep the house clean

I don't mind cleaning.
It's actually a great stress reliever for me and makes me feel so productive,
when everything is all nice and sparkly!
However, with two toddlers and an (almost) 3 month old it can be hard to keep up with!
Especially the three chores I struggle with doing.
What are they, you ask? I bet if you're a mama you can guess!
It's the three that are never ending...
Laundry, dishes, and sweeping the floor.
That's what I hate about the cleaning, the chores that are never ending.
It doesn't matter that I just washed a load of clothes and was completely caught up.
There are two more loads that just came out of nowhere.
Who cares that I just scrubbed the dishes, rinsed them, and put them in the dishwasher.
"Mom, I need a drink! With a Straw!"
"Mom, I need a snack! In a bowl!"
And, of course Maeva certainly lets me know she doesn't care about the floors,
when she launches her cup across the room or throws her plate on the floor.

So, how do I (mostly) keep up with these chores?
I say mostly because if you follow me on IG, you saw this.
I'm not perfect and the house can get out of control messy!
Well, I do a few things that have proven to have helped me a whole lot!

1. Make a cleaning schedule
This was a must for me. It helped me see all the cleaning I needed to do during the week.  Some things needed to be done each day (the three things I mentioned actually), but other things have days dedicated to that one thing (like vacuuming on Tuesdays). Having a cleaning schedule has saved my sanity. I no longer feel like I have to get it all done in one day!

2. Get it out of the way
This kind of goes along with having a cleaning schedule and being on routine. I pretty much have to do dishes and laundry every single day. If not, those things get out of control and that means more work for me and this mama ain't got time for more work. So, I try to start these things first time in the morning. As the kids are having breakfast I load the dishwasher. After they are finished, I add their dishes and start the dishwasher. I also throw in a load of laundry during that time as well. It's become routine to me and that helps me get them done. If I skip out on these two things then they pile up and I end up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with myself and all the house work.

3. Use fun cleaning supplies
This probably makes me weird, but I LOVE cleaning supplies. Especially good smelling ones (like the ones in the picture above). It makes cleaning easier and fun when I know things are going to smell better and let's face it with the kiddos sometimes things don't smell pleasant! I recently fell in love with Mrs. Meyer's clean day cleaning supplies and will be sure to keep stocked up on my favorites. Want to try Mrs. Meyer's or some other fun cleaning supplies, then click here. You can enjoy cleaning with fun smelling cleaners too! ;)

All in all I enjoy the result of cleaning, even if it means I have to do all the chores I hate.
I enjoy making things look nice.
Having a clean home is super important to me.
It makes me happy and less stressed when my home is in order.

What about you? Is a clean home important to you?
What are your tips for keeping your space clean?

Linking up with a fresh start on a budget


  1. These are great tips. I'm sure it is hard to get a lot done with those little ones. Though when they get older like my 7 year old they can help but some days getting her to help is more work than the cleaning itself. Thanks for linking up with my challenge.

  2. I do the same! I'm so routine about my cleaning. And, crazy anal about it all. Laundry, I love. I do... but dishes. My god, I hate doing dishes. And, we're big fans of Mrs.Meyers and ePantry.
