
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

J'adore Voxbox Review

Today I'm excited to share my voxbox from Influenster with you.
All products were given to me complimentary of Influenster for the purpose of review. 
The j'adore box was my first voxbox and I was pleasantly surprised to even qualify it! 

Let's take a peak inside! 

Inside the box:
Boots Botanics Shine Away Ionic Clay Mask
Hershey's Kisses (family size!)
Frizz Ease 3-Day Straight Flat Iron Spray
Kiss Looks So Natural Lashes
Red Rose Simply Indulgent tea (1 lemon Chiffon and 3 Creme Carmel) 
Vaseline Men Spray Lotion 

First up let's talk about this clay mask. 
I'm a fan of facials and masks,
but haven't done one in a while because with three kiddos it just doesn't happen! 
I'm not the greatest at even washing my face, so doing a mask is so unlikely. 
However, I'm so happy that I received this product and was able to try it out. 
It's not as thick as most masks,
so I didn't feel like I had to cake it on. 
It was also easy to remove. I didn't have to scrub/rub my face to remove it.
It was easy to rinse off and left my face feeling clean and refreshed. 
It even brought some of the dirt (blackheads) to the surface, so I could remove that gross-ness! 
My husband even tried the mask and liked it as well.
When we run out of this tube, I'm sure we will be purchasing more. 

I won't lie (and it probably won't come as a surprise) 
the family size of hershey kisses was the first thing I noticed! 
I was so surprised that a family size bag was given in the box. 
Do I really need to review these? I mean they are chocolate?
Plus I'm sure everyone has enjoyed a few!
I opened these right away and shared them with my entire family. 
My son was so happy about these because, "There's chocolate in there!"
He's a total chocolate addict. These didn't last long. 
I wish I could blame him, but I take on most the blame for that! ;)

Oh, the frizz ease by John Frieda... easily, my favorite product in the entire box! 
If you were to ask me what my favorite physical quality about myself was,
I'd say my hair! 
That is if it's not had a bad hair cut 
(I could tell you stories and I'd probably still cry!) and it's styled well. 
I love straightening my hair and wearing it down
because it makes me feel good about myself. 
However, with 3 kids all 3 and under that just doesn't happen often! 
This product though, makes it possible to wear my hair down more often! 
I washed and conditioned my hair and then sprayed this on before blow drying. 
Then, I went to town straightening it. 
This takes a bit of time because my hair is thick! 
Frizz ease is suppose to make your straight hair last 3 days or until your next wash. 
I wasn't sure it would actually work because I've tried other products without success.
However, it worked amazingly well and that makes me so happy! 
Take a look: 

That's me wearing my hair down for not one, not two, BUT three days! 
Usually my hair doesn't look that great after one day. 
Not to mention it usually feels greasy and I just have to wash it because I feel gross. 
Not with this stuff! My hair was straight and didn't feel bad at all. 
Now, this product doesn't promise that your hair won't feel that way, 
it simply says it is suppose to keep your hair straight.
This is just how it worked for me, so I am a huge fan!
My husband was also a fan, complimenting me on my hair multiple times. 
I actually bought a bigger bottle at Target. $9.99 well spent! 

These Kiss Lashes were a product I was scared to see in the box.
I'm just not a huge fan. 
It's not that they don't work or anything. 
I'm just not a huge fan of peeling and sticking things to my eyebrows.
It's not something I'm good at or something I'd actually do. 
They do however feel like really lashes and I'm sure some people would love this product! 

I'm not a tea drinker. I'm a coffee drinker. 
I usually only drink tea when I have a cold and am not feeling well. 
In saying that, this tea is something I would drink during those times. 
They both had a pleasant taste to them and that is something I cannot say about all teas! 
The also came with coupons, so that is a plus! 

This last product, the Vaseline Men Spray lotion, was obviously for my husband! 
I was surprised to see that it was full size 
and glad that it was vaseline brand because they do not disappoint! 
My husband tried the lotion out.
He liked it because it goes on smoothly and has a great smell. 
I sprayed a bit on my arm because I was curious too! 
Of course, I don't enjoy smelling like a man, but I wouldn't mind smelling it on my man
because it does smell great!
I also liked spraying it on and the fact that it isn't thick! 
It's super easy to apply and does it's job! 

All in all I was super impressed and happy with my first voxbox.
Out of all the products I can see five items being used in our house. 
I know for certain that I will be using the frizz ease and probably the clay mask as well. 
Have you tried any of these products? What are your thoughts?
Will you try any of them now? Share your thoughts! I'd love to hear them! 

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