
Monday, November 25, 2013

He turned three

My baby boy turned three yesterday! 
Its such a surreal thing because you really do feel like you just had them yesterday! 
I cannot believe how quickly three years has gone and it, of course,
makes me realize how the years will fly by! 
It is so fun watching them grow, but it makes a mama's heart ache too! 
You want them to stay little, but they just won't…
However, he'll always be my baby boy! 

Last weekend I told him we were going to have a birthday party. 
He's been so excited about it since then! Always asking questions!
"We're gonna have a party mommy? And cake? And ice cream? And presents?"
"Gonna see a friend? And grandma's?" 
So excited about his birthday and all it entailed. 
This is the first year that he really got it, so that made it more exciting for everyone! =) 

We invited family and friends over to help celebrate! 
He was very excited about gifts and after pulling the first one out, he said, "Open it mommy!" =)

^^^Checking out his train set from his grandparents!^^^

^^^Having a bit of a meltdown in grandma's lap because he wanted them opened right away!^^^

^^^Really, it involved me opening the gifts, mostly^^^

^^^Enjoying some new toys!^^^

We ordered Braden's cake at the end of last week and it was perfect!
We knew he'd just love Thomas and it tasted so good with the butter cream frosting. 
We will definitely be ordering it again! 

He loved the cake so much, but more so as a toy. 
I'm pretty sure he only took one bit and just played with the train. =)
His excited face or focused face above gets to me every time! 
I do not understand what is going through his mind! 

Little miss sure enjoyed the cake though. 
And then she crashed hard for the rest of the day! =)

Can you guess what gift Braden loved the most? 

He seriously played with his new train set from before the party ended until bed time. 
I couldn't believe it and told him I would have got him one a long time ago,
if I knew he'd love it that much! 
I didn't even know a three year old could have that long of an attention span! 
It was the first thing he ran to play with this morning when he came out of his room. 
Forget breakfast, I wanna play with the train! 

I would say he had a great birthday! 

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