
About Me

Hello, I'm Kassie and this is my little space on the internet. 
I've been a follower of Jesus since I was 18,
a wife to my husband for four years,
and a stay-at-home-mama to three littles - 3 and under. 
I call this space freshly brewed because I want my everyday life to be freshly brewed 
with Jesus, my family, and of course lots and lots of coffee! 

I enjoy sharing my life here. 
I write lots about being a mama, some about my faith, and just life in general.
I aim to be open and honest in this space. 
Life isn't always perfect or pleasant, it's actually rather kind of messy,
but I'm learning to be okay with that because God can use the mess. 

I enjoy spending time in The Word,  hanging out with my family,  
watching way too much tv, reading a good book, 
and snapping lots and lots of photos of my kids.

I also like making new friends, so let's connect!